Welcome to YEAR 4
In Y4, we pride ourselves on the quality and breadth of the curriculum. Our Y4 curriculum is designed to serve the needs of all pupils, using a variety of approaches and stimuli, including visits, visitors, theme days and engaging activities. We are committed to making learning enjoyable in a safe environment protected from harm.
Our staff are
Miss Young, Mrs Burey, Mr Carlton, Mrs Hinchley and Mrs Collier
Subject Long Term Plans
Our Homework Expectations:
Reading – daily if possible but a minimum of 3 times a week and please record and sign in the individual reading records. Reading records will be reviewed weekly.
Spellings – a list of spelling words for the term will be sent out at the start of each half term. The children will not receive a paper copy of the spellings
Maths – we ask that all children learn the multiplication tables as a priority. Apps such as Timestable Rockstars can help alongside.
Additionally your child will be given a grid of activities per term which link to the units covered in school. Children are asked to complete one (or more if you wish!) activity over the term.
If for any reason your child is unable to do their homework or they struggle with it, a brief note from home in their reading record would be appreciated. Please note reading records are not routinely seen by an adult daily.
We are very much looking forward to working with your child and hope that he/she will enjoy their time in Year 4. We work best when there is an effective partnership with parents so, if you have any concerns, or wish to discuss an aspect of your child’s education, please do not hesitate to get in touch. If you wish to pass on a message, we have helpful staff on the entrance to Y4 every morning who will be happy to assist you.
Year 4 Staff