Welcome to YEAR 1
Across KS1, we pride ourselves on the quality and breadth of the curriculum. Our KS1 curriculum is designed to serve the needs of all pupils, using a variety of approaches and stimuli, including visits, visitors, theme days and engaging activities. We are committed to making learning enjoyable in a safe environment protected from harm.
In KS1, every pupil studies subjects prescribed by the National Curriculum, exploiting cross-curricular links where appropriate. The following link details our overview of topics taught.
The teaching and support staff in Key Stage 1 are as follows;
- Mr Ford (Key Stage 1 Team leader and Year 2 Teacher)
- Mrs Craig / Miss Millard (Year 2 Teachers)
- Mrs Edon (Year 2 Teaching Assistant)
- Miss Barron (Year 1 Teacher)
- Mrs Lofts (Year 1 Teacher)
- Mrs Jones (Year 1 Teaching Assistant)
Subject Long Term Plans
The children will be doing P.E on the following days;
Miss Barron Y1B – Monday and Wednesday
Mrs Lofts Y1L – Monday and Wednesday
On their PE lesson days, children will still be asked to come into school in their PE kits. Further details of uniform expectations can be found in our school prospectus.
Our Homework Expectations:
In Year 1 we give regular weekly homework. The homework will be tailored to your child’s individual learning needs and help them to progress towards their end of year objectives. Please read with your child every evening as this has an enormous impact on their progress across the entire curriculum. Every child in Year 1 will have a piece of Numeracy homework, spellings or Literacy based work and daily reading.
Year 1 Maths Homework will be sent home if class work needs consolidating.
Year 1 Phonics Homework given in RWI groups every Friday to be returned by the following Wednesday. Phonics homework is a relevant E- book and/or phonics quiz which will be set on www.oxfordowl.co.uk on a Friday for completion. A reminder sticker will be put in their reading record.
We are very much looking forward to working with your child and hope that he/she will enjoy their time in Year 1. We work best when there is an effective partnership with parents so, if you have any concerns, or wish to discuss an aspect of your child’s education, please do not hesitate to get in touch. If you wish to pass on a message, we have helpful staff on the entrance to Y1 every morning who will be happy to assist you.
Year 1 Staff